Monday, December 31, 2007
last day of 2007....
haha... 2day is the last day of 2007. less then an hour will b 2008.
2007 will b
wishing everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
2day i woke up at 6 2 prepair sumthing 4 the afternoon RENEW notis bord project.
i spend ant 2 hour time in front of the computer trying 2 finish all the work i can do 1st.
[things i prepaid...] its quite messythen i had my youth choir at 9-11am, then sum of the choir member help me out wf the RENEW notis bord job. the main job tat we done was, producing a red cross, but it b'cam brown at the end. lolx. dn knw y.... n we produce a ten comandments stone tablets. jack lung is the one who draw the tablets. n thax 2 li zhu, the producing of the cross went very well. she is good in tis things.... i mean she is good at cutting stuff n all. tat is the main plan 4 the big notis born. 4 the small notis bord, cutting of wording n sum artistic ribbon was used. it went well too.. we all start working at 11am, right after we finish choir, n we manage 2 finish all the job around 4pm. thax 2 all the ppl who help, we can finish the notis bord tiz fast! U GUYS R THE BEST!!!!!
[ the cross tat was finish cut out n one of the ten comandments tablets , looks lk a grave yard.... hahaha....]
[zhe yuan helping 2 spary the paint onto the cross]
[our product. theres a word missing!!! lol...] its still a little plan coz nt every notis is up there yet, so looks a little plan
[tis is the product of the small bord. same. its a little plan coz nt all notis is up yet!]latter in nite time, at our church we had a grace sharring, guess wat?!i was the pianist! lol... i did so many wrong when i'm up there playing the piano, coz of lacking of practicing. lol... but tis day was a very meaningfull day. i done everythings 4 god on the last day of 2007, n i'll do the same thing in the nx new year 2008! may god bless us all!!!!
Vincent Choo ♥
11:25 PM
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