Friday, June 27, 2008
Mufti Day
i'm sorry for the late update. i was busy for the past few day. and so i cant have the time to blog. so here i m to blog. hope you guys like this post. enjoy....
on 24th of June(Tues), its a day which the whole school students would be waiting, will i'm excited about it not just because it is a day which students are
not allowed to wear school uniform but it is my
LAST Mufti day in St.Columba. many of you out there do not know the day Mufti day, and what it is about. and other students from other school are simply interested in knowing what is this day about and admires/envy us who have a day which we, students are
NOT ALLOWED TO WEAR SCHOOL UNIFORM, meaning casual wear la.....
i'm actually going to start a story about this Mulfti Day. but i don't think neither you are interested to know nor do i wanted to tell. cause its kida boring tho. nvm. i'll just tell it in short.there is once a general in India (don't know what year) who is call Mufti. he saw his men under him wears uniform for 365 days a year, and tends to get bored. so he decided to have a special "day off" which his men are
NOT ALLOWED TO WEAR UNIFORM. but working is still on only appearance is difference. and today, our school is "celebrating" this day, because students in uniform are tends to be bored. so we are allow to have a "day off" to wear casual wear. and i go like that idea.
alright, i'm talking alot here. and its getting bored. so lets start with the picture.
SHALL WE................lets start the day with my sis. took before we left home to school. just look at her. she is in her school t-shirt. and i'm in casual wear. she was envy. *grin*
[me and Evelyn(sis)]
[me and Jocelyn(sis)]
now this is ironic. haaha.... she in school uniform and i'm in casual wear. XD
[my 1st WOW in the morning, Che Kong aka kingkong]
i don't know to laugh or not. ITS JUST WOW.........
[Vincent Phang and Vincent Choo aka the Vincents aka Vincent2 ]
hahaha..... ^^
[Sii legend, Che kong and me]
[Louis aka wei wei aka HB(head boy) and me]
wow..... I HAD A PHOTO WITH THE HEAD BOY..... lol....
Louis, just you wait! there is even more to come for you. *grin* =p
[Niki aka Best Choo-Choo Blogreader and me]wat happen to you?!?!?! hahaha..... she went for her hair at the last second befor the shoot. and here as i promised. I POST IT OUT ALREADY!!!! wahahhaha.....lets try this again,
[Niki aka Best Choo-Choo Blogreader and me]
now this is more like it.. XD
[Marwani and Faziah]
the pretty girls who sits behind me and VP..XD
[sii legend]
hey you, AHB(assistance head boy), look to the front! (this is taken during ENG class)
[candid Teacher Macdeline]
how cute... wahhahah.....XD
hahaha..... from Iqbal. just wait will you see his outfit later!!!! haha....
[SO FAKE!!!!]
Assidiq pretend to be doing his work while i was taking his picture. what a FAKER...hahaha.... no offense man. just joking.
[looks so cool]
lol... Doreen is posting like a Gangster?!?! candid them.
[candid back form assidiq]
hahaha... i was candid-ing them and so assidiq did it back to me.... XD
[class photo]
my beloved classmate, thinking about only a half year with you guys just make my heart goes sour. i would treasure every moment with you guys in this half year.
[now teacher Macdelin is posting for us] hahaha.... BEAUTIFUL...
[Lawrence, Iqbal and Teacher Macdelin]
how sweet, looks like a family. iqbal the father, teacher macdelin the mother, and Lawrence the child. hahaha.....XD
[me and Teacehr Macdelin]
[sii legend and Iqbal]
the most funny group in the class had a photo session in the Bio lab. legend is actualy in che kong's japan outfit. and look at Iqbal, he just came back form offshore.
[me and Iqbal]
[Assidiq and Iqbal]
[mawarni, me, and Faziah]
[chin yee and me]
chin yee, i hope your gona enjot the picture that is gona come soon....
[Ivy, me and Crystal]
[Legend and Felicia]
dude, what is with that close eyes. hahaha.... nvm, you yourself must have a pretty good one. haha... =p
[me and kenny]
[me and shao hong]
my favorite picture off all!!!! whahaha.... cool right. ^^
too bad shao hong up-standed me in this picture.
[Iqbal and Puan Beh]
the chemical engineer teaching chemistry.... wahahhaa
[VP presenting his EQUATION]
during chemi class..... was quite boring tho.... hahaha... lolx
[zhang guang sleeping in chemi labs]
its true that it is so boring.
but wait don't his outfit, looks a little familiar?
SO ENG DAO(handsome)!!!!!!
[VP, Siew ping and me]
[louis liong and Pui Chin Ye]
this is what i had been talking about at louis's picture and chin yee's picture. happy to see them? how sweet this couple are. (aldo they do not want to admit it.) hiak... here it is for you guy...... =p just don't kill me when you see this. but you may crash your computer. XDaddition:their relation is still a mist to all of us, it is what the rumors is about, its just a gossip that had been around the school for quite some time. and still this phrase of addition is added because XXX steped in and say. "BACK OF MAN! I'M GONA KILL YOU FOR UPLOADING THAT PIC!!!" anyway i wont delete the pic, and i did told every one its is just a rumors through this addition. so bare with me...XD
[don't be shy]
we all know who you are, don't hide yourself from the truth. =p
[Delicia and me]
guys, meet the coolest gal i have seen that day!!!! casual normal t-shirt and jeans but with a supper cool sunglasses and a bow tie. man... she is COOL~~
[mdm ling]
i just cant stop laughing at this picture.
OMG!!!!! what kinda face is that!!!!! so lol de face.....
[Hill Lu Ming]stupid face. hey, you should be in your pajamas!!!!! hahaha.....
[me and sing ping]
last picture before going home....^^
[end of mufti day]
gona miss it, but i got a feeling tat i'm in a college.
hahaha.... every one is in casual wear.... hahaha.... lolzzz
comments are welcome. anyway, i hope you guys enjoyed the picture. i'm going to bed now. feeling really tired uploading all these picture. night everyone.
Vincent Choo ♥
11:02 PM
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