haha..... i decide to skip class cause it will be
DAME BORING when the run the celebration. and we are going to stand for
FOUR PERIODS!!!!! only
MAD people can stand that. so the clever me and the my other 20 classmate decied to stay at home studying (sleeping) rather to be at school dying. *high five*
[high five] but i'll be going to school to attend my
last meeting for ISCF later at 12pm. it is the last meeting for me casuse i am retiring. XD (
aging) LOL... but anyhow, i am glad i can retired already, its time for the bnext generation to carry my job. i had already trian for the begining of the year just to let them take over my place. dont fail me ok, i'll pray for you guys.
and oh look at this invertation card:
[an invertation card]its from the Leo Juniour. ya, what a
MAGNIFICIANT invertation card right.
REALLY FACINATING!!!! hahha... well it is an invertation card for us (senior) to go for the senior night. i remember last time while i was still a juniour, we made
CARDS, REAL PRETTY CARDS for our seniors. and i am so facinated my my juniours. haha...XD (not critisizing, just my oppinion =p)
well, it stated clearly that, it is a
casual dinner, so what am i gona wear?! this really hurts my head. but, i think i can pull out something from my closets. (although i only have a few outfits, i am dame poor okay!!!) and i'll be looking forward for tonights dinner too. cause it will be a whole night camwhore night. XD
haha.... i'll update about the dinner may be tomorrow. BUT i din't promises okay!!! so be patien and wait, i need time to upload the pictures and organize, plus i am a very busy person. so.... do look forward for that. bye people, i'm gona enjoy myself now. =p
haiz.... its killing me to write the countdown.